
SCAN Workshops: We’ll Bring Prevention to You! 

August 27, 2015

BlogBlock_WorkshopsSince SCAN began offering fee-for-service workshops, we have held more than 26 of them and trained more than 525 people across Northern Virginia. The topics have been varied (everything from Darkness to Light [Child Sexual Abuse Prevention] to Positive Parenting to Operation Safe Babies to Using Children’s Stories to Build Resiliency to Child Care Workers as Mandated Reporters.) The audiences have been diverse too, ranging from parents and caregivers to school teachers and human service professionals, and the delivery method can be flexible (evening, weekend, workday, one-hour, two-hour, power point, interactive).

Every time we host a training, we are reminded: There is value beyond measure in getting a group together where everyone’s motivation is the well-being of children. Who can you bring together? And when can SCAN join you?

We have several staff and volunteers who are able to provide workshops on a range of topics as well as staff who can work with you to tailor a workshop topic that meets your group’s needs.  This will continue to be an area that we focus and expand upon and we hope YOU and the organizations in your community will be a part of that growth.

– Tracy Leonard, Public Education Manager
[email protected]